Sunday, July 29, 2007

Goodbye World

Goodbye, world
They had to say
With tearful eyes
Alone that day
Goodbye, world
They shouted at it
Trying to extinguish
The candle alit
Goodbye, world
They told their wives
As that plane crashed
And they saved lives
Goodbye, world
They said in tears
As they set off the bomb
And ended their fears

“Goodbye, world
We’re sorry for this
But when its all over
For us eternal bliss
Goodbye, world
We loved you so
But with the passing hour
Our fear begins to show
Goodbye, world
We cry to you,
Is this real
Is this true
Goodbye, world
Why am I here
Why was I born
My end so near”

Goodbye, world,
Their final breath,
They stood tall,
Blindly embracing death.

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